WestCity has recently been working with an organisation called be.lab (previously known as Be.Accessible). Be.lab work with a variety of businesses to enable greater accessibility for all. As part of this journey, WestCity are working towards providing a fully accessible facility so that we can better provide access for our customers and make a positive contribution to our community. We hope that you find this dedicated page useful as a central place for accessibility information.
Click Here to find out how to get to West-City
There are 2 designated areas with accessible car parks which are located to the left hand side of Entry 2 (heading toward the loading dock 3) and around the corner of Hollywood (bakery) facing Railside Avenue.
Enjoy up to 4 hours of free parking. If you are planning on shopping longer than this please visit the Customer Services desk and ask for extended car-parking.
Please note that you do need to display a Mobility Parking Permit to park in one of these designated accessible car parks. There are also drop off areas at our mall entrances.
WestCity’s accessibility around entry has a minimum width of 1m with access to all facilities and services. Lighting levels offer good visibility and permanent fixtures are detectable by those customers using canes.
The food court can become congested during peak times e.g. school holidays and key retail periods. It is also very light and bright which can make it somewhat unsuitable for those shoppers affected by sensory issues.
For these customers wanting to shop for their groceries – Countdown has a specific time from 1:30pm until 2:30pm each Wednesday which is a designated quiet hour. This hour provides shoppers with a low volume/low stimulation time to do their grocery shopping.
All of our toilets have wheelchair accessible facilities available.
There are 4 lifts available at WestCity.
These are located next to: Specsavers/The Warehouse, Mirrou, Super Save, Farmers
Guide and assistance dogs are welcome at WestCity*. Centre Management requires that animals are not left unattended in our outdoor areas, including customer cars.
*A guide or assistance dog must be certified as a “disability assist dog” by an approved organisation like the Blind Foundation, Assistance Dogs NZ or Hearing Dogs for Deaf People NZ.
We do have a range of wheelchairs (5 available) and we have one mobility scooter available. You can hire these from the Customer Service desk on Level 2.
There is no charge to borrow a wheelchair or our mobility scooter, but we do require ID while this equipment is in use. You can also pre-book a Wheelchair/Mobility Scooter, simply call our Customer Service team on 09 978 6710.
Note: Equipment cannot be hired out after 5pm on Monday – Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday & after 8pm on our late nights (which are Thursday and Friday).
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