If you’re a parent/caregiver with children under 5, register now to attend our Little Westie sessions. Enjoy a coffee on us*, meet other parents/caregivers and treat your little ones to fun filled music, movement & sensory classes at WestCity.
These sessions are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month on level 2, by Customer Service and start at 10.30am. They run for up to an hour using resources such as bubble machines, parachutes, balloons, nature based props and much more.
Children will enjoy a wide range of sensory activities using exciting resources to capture their imagination, develop their language skills and understanding of the world around them.
Please note Little Westies are only suitable for children under 5. Please register to attend these sessions as spaces are limited. Please note you can only register once for each event date. Once you register, we will send you a confirmation email closer to the event date.
We look forward to seeing you!
Due to popular demand, this session is now full. Keep an eye for our next event!